8 Mar 2012

Grizzly Lake Avalanche, Group recovering buried snowmobile

As of 06:00 the temperature at 2280 meters was -2.5, winds were 30-45 KPH from the ESE. At 1550 meters the temperature was -2.8, 85 % relative humidity and the barometer was a a slight decline. There was no new snow over night. In the valley it is -5.

For the latest Avalanche Advisory click here: Avalanche Advisory

A news article on the Powder Mountain incident: Grizzly Lake

Another avalanche incident in California: Tahoe Area

The Grizzly Lake Avalanche brings to light the need to practice with your equipment. There are several comments at this site that are eye opening, please read carefully, click here: Grizzly Lake

Local AST 1 course practising conveyor shovel technique