Avalanche on Fissile Sunday. MIN Report Below. Skier Accidental (Sa) LBodkins PicWEATHER YESTERDAY:
December 5, 2022. 12:00 Hrs. -5 Deg C with. 0-5 KPH SE breeze.Weather Observations for December 06, 2022 taken at 06:00 Hours.
A weak short wave trough will bring overcast skies today in a Northerly flow aloft. Some snow flurries with the freezing level around sea level, may see the odd break. Aleutian low will send a series of frontal bands our way Wednesday into early next week. First front arrives Wednesday afternoon with increasing snow as the day progresses. Strong alpine winds and seasonable temperatures will bring snow to the valley. Periods of snow on Thursday. Periods of light to moderate snowfall Friday. Periods of light snow on Saturday. Drier Sunday and Monday with unsettled wether. Guesstimates: 0-1 cm by Wednesday am, 10-15 cm by Thursday am, 4-8 cm by Friday am, 15-20 cm by Saturday am.
Avalanche on Fissile: Dec 4, 2022
Bagel Bowl Sz 1 Avalanche: Dec 4, 2022
Snowshoeing-Mount Sproat (East approach): Dec 4, 2022
Paul Ridge Laps: Dec 4, 2022
Controlled Falling: Snowboarding
Nice Turns: Snow Biking
Sluff Management: Snow Boarding
How do you get a permit to do this: Heli-Drop
Ease into the terrain: Powder Picker
2 ski tourers caught in an avalanche in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, no fatalities: France
Considerable avalanche danger over widespread areas in the southern Alps: Switzerland
Remote triggered avalanche on Tamarack Peak: California
2 People Caught in separate avalanches near Berthoud Pass 2022/12/03: Colorado
Indiana Hiker caught in an avalanche: Colorado
Measurements of mass balance in dense avalanche events: Cambridge Core
Utah Avalanche Awareness Week provides training for skiers: Salt Lake City
Skier-triggered slide, increased avalanche activity: Wyoming
How can we predict the climate in 50 years if we cannot forecast the weather next week: Cliff Mass